The Qiáo series, designed by Finnish designer Ville Kokkonen, was created in Hangzhou, China—a city renowned for its numerous bridges. From West Lake and Qiantang River to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and various other waterways, Qiáo (meaning "bridge" in Chinese) unite the city by linking its different areas. With the Qiáo series, the brand aspires to bridge the gap between different cultures and lifestyles.

This wooden table has slender legs that support a spacious tabletop. The four corners are rounded, which not only eliminates painful collisions, but also makes it appear smoother in the space. The simple and unobtrusive form can appear in any scene, providing users with a stable platform to place their favorite objects.
Structurally simple, ready for use anywhere.
Rounded edges on all sides prevent bumps, with smooth lines.
  • Material
  • Dimensions
  • Oak
  • L510 × W510 × H450mm
  • Material
  • Dimensions
  • Oak
  • L510 × W510 × H450mm